Mecandon Designs
Tattoo Token
If you’d like to tattoo one of my designs, please purchase a tattoo token below. This token grants permission to use one of my designs as a tattoo. If you reach out via inbox, DM, or e-mail to let me know which tattoo you’d like to use with this token, I’ll be happy to provide you with a high-resolution, transparent stencil file for your tattoo artist to use.

Mecandon Designs
Commission Token
This token gives you permission to book an appointment from me to design a custom tattoo for you! Please choose a size before ordering according to your requests.

Mecandon Designs
Commercial Token
This token is intended for brand partnerships, tattoo shop owners, or tattoo artists. By purchasing this token, you gain permission to use my artwork for various professional purposes, such as printing on merchandise like t-shirts, using designs as tattoo stencils, or incorporating them into your brand’s aesthetic